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San Cristobal

The San Cristobal story begins with a medallion, a motorcycle, and one incredible journey.

In 2009, Paul Hotze embarked on a four-month solo motorcycle expedition from Houston, Texas to the southernmost tip of South America. The trip extended more than 10,000 miles and covered some of the most diverse terrain he had ever explored.

During his journey, he met many friendly and helpful strangers donning the quintessential Latin
American garment for adventurous souls: The Guayabera. For Paul, its expressive designs, intricate embroidery, and signature pleats symbolized the laid-back life he experienced South of the Border.

Of course, there were many close calls and near-death experiences along the way. Some say it was
blind luck that kept him alive. Others believe it was divine intervention. However, Paul credits his keyring medallion of St. Christopher – The Patron Saint of Travel – with guiding and protecting him throughout his journey.

Inspired by his adventure and always up for the next challenge, Paul partnered with skilled artisans throughout Central and South America and launched San Cristobal Guayaberas in 2014, bringing a luxurious, high-quality flair to the tried-and-true travel shirt—all while honoring the adventuresome spirit in all of us.

So pack your bags and Explora La Buena Vida wherever you find it!